Business and Investor Visas

Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa

  • This temporary visa is part of the Business Innovation and Investment Programme that encourages business people to establish a new or develop an existing business and invest in Australia. It is valid for four years and three months.
  • You must be younger than 55 years of age.
  • You must submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) and be nominated by a state or territory government or Austrade on behalf of the Australian Government before being invited to apply for this visa. In addition, you must have a genuine intention to live in the State or Territory whose government agency nominates you.
  • You can apply for a permanent Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa if specific requirements are met.

There are four eligible streams:

Business Innovation stream
  • This stream is for people with business skills who want to establish, develop and manage a new or existing business in Australia.
  • You must have owned a business in your country with a turnover of AUD750,000 for at least 2 of the last 4 fiscal years and pass at least 65 points on the points test.
  • You, your partner, or you and your partner together, have total net business and personal assets of at least AUD1,250,000.
  • You can extend the visa for up to 5 years
Investor stream
  • This stream is for people who want to make a designated investment of at least AUD2.5 million in an Australian state or territory and maintain business and investment activity in Australia.
  • Must have 3 years of experience either managing a qualifying business or eligible investments.
  • You must score at least 65 on the points test.
  • You must have a net business, investment and personal assets of at least AUD2.5 million for the last 2 fiscal years before applying for the visa.
Significant Investor stream
  • This stream is for people willing to invest at least AUD5 million to comply with significant investments in Australia and maintain business and investment activity in Australia.
  • You have a genuine intention to hold that investment for at least four years.
  • You can extend the visa for up to 5 years.
Entrepreneur stream
  • You must be endorsed by your nominating State or Territory government agency to develop your entrepreneurial concepts.
  • You must undertake or propose to undertake a complying entrepreneur activity in Australia
  • You can stay in Australia for up to 5 years

Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa

  • This permanent residence visa is the second stage of the Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa
  • You can apply for it after you have demonstrated an overall successful record of undertaking entrepreneurial activities in Australia while holding the provisional visa
  • You must be nominated by a state, territory, or the Australian Government.
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